Tuesday, August 5, 2008

were you wondering?

I read someone else's blog today. Okay, I read a lot of other people's blogs today. But one had a 100 things you didn't know about me. Some of you will know these, but I bet most of you won't. Just for fun and a time waster, here you go:

1. I was born in Colorado
2. My dad is an engineer by trade and photographer by hobby.
3. My dad taught me all I could ever need to know about photographing flowers, trees and nature. (his preference, not mine)
4. My mom once worked for a professional photographer as a retoucher. With real ink and all.
5. I have a brother who lives in St. Louis
6. I have lived in 6 different states.
7. This year, I will have lived in the same house the longest in one place in my life.
8. When I was a kid, my favorite toys were Barbies.
9. I often gave Barbie a makeover with fingernail polish.
10. I had rediculously big bangs in middle school.
11. We had a parakeet named Captain.
12. My brother and I wanted to name him Hot Lips.
13. We had a dog for a while named Oppenheimer. (the guy who invented the atomic bomb.)
14. My brother named the dog that.
15. My first true love was Neil Patrick Harris as Doogie Houser, MD.
16. I secretly wished the New Kids on the Block would move into the next door house when it was for sale.
17. I love to look at photographs of everything from the past.
18. My maternal grandfather loved to conduct orchestras from his living room chair.
19. He also had several college degrees.
20. Olympia's middle name is after him.
21. And a photographer.
22. My maternal grandparents always took us to museums and historical places.
23. We took them to see a Frank Lloyd Wright house, which I can remember most of the layout. I still love anything by him and the arts and crafts era.
24. My paternal grandpa took me to the gas station everyday to get candy when we visited.
25. I LOVE Wheel of Fortune!!!!!!
26. I can repeat the entire theme song to WoF.
27. My brother and I watched a lot of game shows at my grandparents house.
28. I wore lime green bell bottoms to my high school graduation. (they clashed the best with the scarlet red gowns.)
29. I bought those pants for 5 Marks in Germany at a department store.
30. I went to Germany to live with a family at 16.
31. Did I mention I was by myself?
32. I once was pretty fluent in German and often dreamt in German.
33. My first college major was International Relations with a minor in German.
34. The second was Theology.
35. The last was photography.
36. I did my first year at a Jesuit college.
37. In my theology class, the priest said the follow: "if a guy takes a girl out and pays for everything, at the end of the date, she should put out." Not joking. Still trying to figure out what it has to do with the book of John.
38. I decided to become a photographer because of an ad with a very sexy man for Aqua Di Gio. To this day, I keep a copy of the ad in my purse.
39. I wanted to attend a college in Colorado for photography, but my then boyfriend threw a fit and I found a photography school closer to his college.
40. My college mascot was the Mules! 
41. or Jennies! for the girls.
42. I graduated from college with a B.S. in photography in only 3 1/2 years. 
43. I took 21.5 hours each semester. 
44. No, photography classes aren't that easy either.
45. When I met my husband, we were both engaged to other people.
46. I ate lunch with my future hubby almost everyday his last semester.
47. My hubby has the best break up story of all time. (short version-flew girl down on valentines day, broke up with her immediately, turned around back to the airport, she said "my flight isn't until tomorrow." he said, "you're on stand by for the next plane." then drove like mad to go out with our friends for an anti Valentine's day.
48. Our first kiss was at 12:25 that night.
49. It was President's day.
50. He was wearing Doc Martin boots the day I met him.
51. I was wearing a red sweater, jeans, white shirt, green clogs, and green socks.
52. We were wearing matching socks!
53. I didn't know his last name for a long time. 
54. We went to San Fransisco together after dating only 3 weeks. 
55. My aunt we went to visit in SF said we were soulmates, because our names were very similar.
56. We went to go the Pez Museum. 
57. I currently have over 300 different Pez dispensers.
58. I fell in love with our house for the built in china hutch that displays my pez.
59. The hubby and I picked out my engagement ring diamond together.
60. He called me everynight to open and close the box on the phone to tease me.
61. I was still in college, he was here.
62. He proposed by locking me in the kitchen and then playing the hot/cold game with me to find the ring.
63. We got married in the winter. It was not cold at all on our wedding day.
64. We took our honeymoon to Lake Tahoe.
65. Our first dance was to At Last by Etta James.
66. Our goal is to go to all 50 state captial buildings. We currently have 13.
67. I don't have an appendix.
68. or a gallbladder.
69. I love music of all kinds. 
70. especially Japanese drumming.
71. I met my best friend 18 years ago yesterday.
72. We have only lived in the same city for 9 months.
73. I know an obsessive amount of random Beatles facts.
74. My friends and I recreated the Abby Road album on the same day they did the original, down to the time.
75. I was fired from a public library in high school. (the librarian's name was Mr. Read. hehehe)
76. I worked at the public pool as well, which has given me an unusual fear of public pools and cleanliness.
77. I didn't drink in college until I met one of my best friends. 
78. My favorite drink is either a real mojito or lemonade, raspberry vodka.
79. I love being outside. 
80. When I am stressed or having a hard time sleeping, I watch the realestate channel.
81. We only have 22 channels on our tv. (most of which are cspan and home shopping.)
82. If I could move anywhere, I think it would be to Maine or Santa Fe.
83. I love politics. I won't discuss it with you unless you share similar views.
84. I wanted to name Olympia if she was a boy Elway, after one of my other true loves.
85. I saw John Denver in concert in high school. 
86. I also saw U2. 
87. I also saw the first 2 songs of a Tina Turner concert, after seeing Chris Isaac.
88. Steven Tyler of Aerosmith bumped into me once in Kansas City. I thought it was a girl cutting in line.
89. I try to talk to my mom every day or so. 
90. Olympia was named by my hubby. She was unnamed for 17 hours while he decided.
91. His grandmother is greek, which is why she is named Olympia.
92. I wanted to name her Monarch and call her Mona.
93. My favorite drink in the whole world is fountain diet pepsi. I love it!!!!
94. Last week was my last time to work at the YMCA. I worked in the Child Watch for almost 4 years.
95. I am in a constant battle with myself over organization. Not my strong suit.
96. I hate using capital letters.
97. I also get distracted easily. (like reading blogs)
98. I love doing my job. I love meeting all the people and catching great moments in a kids life.
99. We love to eat out. (and especially trying out new restaurants.)
100. I am actually done. I think that is a record for getting something done in one night. 

Hope ya'll liked learning way too much about me. If you get bored, do one for your blog.


Skubaliscious said...

My OB doctor looked just like Doogie Houser...he was very young and fresh.

I remember your green bell bottoms :)

I think you win the award for marrying into a last name that is most similar to maiden name without being the same!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great read! I've learned a lot in the past 5 minutes...

Jodee said...

I enjoyed reading your list. I plan to post a similar 100 things on my one year blog anniversary! I have it started!