On Tuesday, I took a little trip to Omaha. Hillary Clinton was doing a rally for Barak Obama. I thought this is probably one of my only chances to be so close to seeing her. I went by myself, but quickly made two friends in the audience. (I had to go to the ladies room and they held my spot.) When I returned to my spot in the growing crowd, (5 or so rows deep) we started chatting about the people beginning to filter onto the risers behind the podium. I told my new friends that I was going to ask how you got up there. Wouldn't hurt to ask, right? I finally ran into the guy who gets to decide, he marked my ticket, and was nice enough to let me grab my new friends as well. Once we got to the risers, they said they wanted us to stand in front. We were so excited, we were shaking. Anywho, here is what it looked like:
That's me in the brown sweater just over her shoulder. This cute little lady next to me wearing a hat, kept saying things like "amen, sister" and "un-huh sister" to everything Hillary said. It was so awesome. Afterward, I got to shake Hillary's hand. She really is beautiful up close.
I knew we would make the local news, since no one ever comes to Nebraska, but it must have been a slow day, because we made national news on ABC and Nightline. Of course they were talking about how Nebraska can split its electoral votes. To see the whole story on ABC news, click here. (look for me in the brown sweater.)
Two thumbs way up!