Friday, January 25, 2008

oh, nevermind

I started this blog 3 times. But I think instead of going on a rant about stupid emails that are totally untrue or twist the truth around, I am going to say thank you to all my wonderful friends. I am so blessed to have a great number of friends both near and far. When talking with a good friend today (in front of TJ Maxx) I mentioned one of my friends. Then immediately said something about another friend. (All good things.) She said to me, "You have a lot of friends." That made me stop and really think. I have so many good friends, sometimes I don't have any time for them all. Wow what a great problem. So if you are reading this, you are probably one of those that make my day and life great. So a big thank you to you all!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

I consider you a great photographer and a great friend!