Friday, December 14, 2007


Have you ever noticed that Hollywood has yet to recreate something correctly?! I mean can Lassie really know when tornados are coming and warn everyone in time? Or does everyone tape up their windows when there is a tornado watch? On a whim to calm my mind tonight, I decided to catch up on my Desperate Housewives. Seriously! Don't you think that maybe the writers/set designers/directors would at least consult someone who had been in a tornado, before spending all that time and money on the show? If we taped our windows everytime there was a tornado watch, we would live with a partial view of the world the entire spring. Or imagine how much people could save if they had a four hour warning before a tornado. Hey, it Hollywood. The day they get real life correct, well, that show would be boring or depressing or even uneventful. Maybe if we all stopped watching dramas we would have a lot less drama in our own life. (I'm not sure how this turned into a soap box, sorry!)

Thumbs up!

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