Monday, November 26, 2007

a bag of everything...

Happy Holidays! They are official upon us. The stores are filled to the brim with stuff, everywhere you go Christmas music is playing, and I am working late into the night trying to get all those holiday cards designed and out the door. Every year I say at some point in time, "I hate the Christmas season!" This year, however, I am thankful that I have a business that is booming and a daughter who will play in the living room while I doze on the couch after only getting a few hours of sleep. (For those of you concerned about her safety, I am never really asleep, just enough to get some rest and still comprehend what is going on.)

I went to a charity auction on Saturday with some friends. I had donated a gift certificate, so someone gave me a ticket to attend. I was only somewhat excited to go. You can never win anything because they always go way over the actual price. However, I did get a membership to the children's museum. Oh yeah, and a trip to Hawaii. That's right a trip to Hawaii. I still have to buy on ticket, but it was a great deal. We are going for our anniversary in February. I am so excited. There is a new reason to work late into the night. (for my fellow Dave Ramsey followers, I paid cash for the trip. I am super pumped about that. Want to know more about Dave Ramsey, let me know, I am teaching a class in January/February.)

On the other hand, we had quite the eventful Thanksgiving. We went to one of our friend's parents house. (One nice thing about having a husband who works on holidays is you get invited to other people's dinners and celebrations. Then I don't have to cook for myself.) We were just getting ready to leave, coats on and all, when Olympia feel and hit her head on a space heater. I thought it was just a bump, however, there was a huge gash in her head. Just so everyone is informed, head injuries bleed a lot. We rushed into the car and my great friend Jeff got us to the E.R. safe and fast. (We were about 25 miles outside of the city.) My husband met us there. By the time we made it to the hospital, Olympia was acting fine and was quite excited about being at the hospital with the possibility to ride in an elevator (elegator according to her.) She had to get 2 staples in the back of head. She is fine otherwise. On the upside, we did get to see daddy for a little while on a holiday, but I think just going to the fire station would have been easier. What an exciting night.

thumbs up!

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