Sunday, November 18, 2007

guilty pleasure

Everyone has their vices. They're little guilty pleasures that some know about and some do not. There is a whole Sex in the City episode devoted to this. (I know because even without cable, I can watch 2 full hours of Sex and the City everynight.) Most people know that my biggest guilty pleasure is Diet Pepsi, especially a fountain one.

However, one of my little known guilty pleasures is watching "The Bachelor." There is nothing better than feeling better about yourself as you watch women fight over a man they hardly know. He is attractive, I'll give him that. I wait on the edge of my seat during the rose ceremony just to see Chris waltz into the room and say..."Ladies, Brad...this is the final rose tonight." Well, duh Chris. Do you think there is a woman in the room that is not aware of that fact. It is pretty much my favorite part of the show. (For those of you who don't know this Chris has a show on HGTV called Designers Challenge. I giggle alot when watching that with my mother-in-law. I have to mutter under my breath..."Ladies..this is the final rose tonight.)

But they never pick the right one. Stupid men that they are, always pick based on judgements made with the brain further south. However, tomorrow is the finally for this season. I have faith in the good Texas boy to pick the right one. I'll let you know if he does or not. I'm not saying which one I like, the Bachelor is a lot like politics you will always make someone mad with your opinion. So to avoid being judged, I won't say who I like.)

thumbs up!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Welcome to blogging! I have to confess, I am addicted to the bachelor too, I was hoping my hubby would have a dvr hooked up by tomorrow so I could watch it over and over again uninterrupted! I missed the week before last so I am not sure which girl he is leaning towards.