Friday, March 28, 2008

ttyl (talk to you later)

Just a quick note, I will be gone for the next week. I am super excited to be going back to Pearlington, Mississippi on a mission trip with the church. I went last June and have been counting down the days to go again. Pearlington has a very special place in my heart. When I was there the last time, it truly was a life changing event. I am so excited for the plastic huts to sleep in, the port-a-potties, the bugs, the warmth, the peaceful mornings, the good southern cooking, the wonderful southern hospitality, sweet tea, and most of all the 38 hours in the van. Please say a little prayer for our group as we embark on the path ahead.

(a pic from the last time)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

does this tiara make my butt look big?

Each day, Olympia decides who she is that day. You then need to find out as soon as possible who it is, remember it and call her by the correct name all day. If you forget, you are immediately repremanded. For example, a common conversation in our house would go like this:
Me: "Olympia, can you please pick up the crayons."
O: "No, I'm Cinderella today."
Me: "Olympia please go wash your hands."
O: "Mom, I'm not Olympia, I'm Thomas the train and these are not my hands, they are my wheels."
Well, today I was informed she was Cinderella. She must wear her "Where is my prince charming" shirt. I then fed the fire with, don't you think you should have your hair like Cinderella too? (My secret way of getting her hair up for the day.) So, after her hair is properly fixed in a bun, she decides today, Cinderella is wearing a tiara all day. So we ran errands with Cinderella in her full tiara glory. (I'm pretty flexible with how we walk out of the house, as long it covers the proper stuff, is weather appropriate, I'll let it slide)
So, Olympia and I ate at CiCi's pizza today for lunch in the middle of errands. Here is the conversation during the wait in line:
O: "Prince Charming is coming to eat with us."
Me: "Oh he is?"
O: "Yes, but I didn't see his carriage in the parking lot yet."
Me: "Well, I didn't either."
(We get food and sit down)
O: " Oh, there he is. He's getting food right now. He will come sit with us after he gets his food."
Me: "Is he sitting with me or you?"
O: "He is sitting with you, so you need to move over a little. Not too much though, his bottom is not as big as yours."

I'm not sure, but I think if you are wearing a tiara, you must be able to say whatever you like. I had quite the chuckle about it though. I guess I should go back to the gym. (In case you were wondering, no one was actually joining us for lunch. And in the end, Prince Charming decided to sit with Oly-I mean Cinderella.)

Two thumbs up!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

i heart socks!

I love crazy socks. My friends make fun of me for it, but I don't care. I do not own a single pair of plain white socks. It is a problem I have had since I was young. Of course, my mother taught me to match my sock color to the outfit. I have since wandered from that thought process. My sock sometimes match, mostly not though. When I find a crazy pair of socks, I actually get excited. When I find a crazy pair of socks at the dollar store, for a dollar, I almost hyperventilate. I found these there just the other day. I love the name of the "brand." HOLY SOCKS!!! That is different from most of my current socks...hole-y socks. Just a little funny to get you through the day.

Thumbs up!

march madness

A good friend, who shall remain nameless to save her job, asked me to fill out a NCAA Basketball bracket with her. Just a little friendly wager for old times sake. I have never in my life filled one out. Nor have I ever been interested in basketball. I'm not sure where most of the teams are even located. But why not? So I printed it out, filled it out in 2 minutes, without really paying attention. I picked teams based on mascots, funny sounding names and regions. But I am pretty sure Indiana is going to upset North Carolina. (GO Hoosiers! (I love that movie!)) We have a dinner riding on the line. Most wins, wins! I'm pretty sure I have it in the bag. Actually neither of us knows what is going on, but for the first time ever, I am excited to see who wins. I have my highlighters ready. Yellow-win, Blue-lost. I read somewhere, that March Madness accounts for a 18% job productivity loss each year. I totally get it now. I won't be watching the games, but I will have to spend each evening, cutting into my work time. Oh well, that's less time for surfing the web for the next big thing. Here's to hoping for a lot of yellow.
(Sorry all my Kansas fans, but I just can't get behind them. I am not a fan of the whole state, so don't take it personally.)

Thumbs up!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the crabby one

Olympia refers to her different moods as if they were different people. When she is happy we always comment on how great it is that happy Olympia is here today. Well, one day out of nowhere, after I comment on "Happy Olympia" she says, "Watch out Crabby Olympia is coming." If only we were always warned like that as if the mood changes of the typical three year old come with the same warning system as say tornados.
Severe "Crabby Olympia" watch
Severe "Crabby Olympia" warning
Maybe I should give her a siren to carry around, so we will always have enough time to gather the cat, important belongings and head for the basement, before the "Crabby Olympia" came around.
Just a thought!

Thumbs Up!

Friday, March 7, 2008

thankful thursday

Some of the other blogs I read have "thankful Thursdays." Where they list all the things they are thankful for. Well, to make my day go better, I am going to try it. Here is my thankful Thursday/Friday:

-I am thankful for the crazy excitement my daughter brings to my life. You really never know what you are going to get with her.

-I am thankful my mom loves to talk to me as much as I love to talk to her. I talk to her almost everyday and I actually miss talking to her when it has been a few days.

-I am thankful that we decided to start going to church when I got pregnant. My wonderful friends I have met there, make living each day so much better.

-I am thankful that I am swamped at work. I really didn't think I would ever really have a successful business. It's tough trying to balance a family and business under the same roof, but what a joy I get each time some one is happy with their pictures. I'm not going to lie about it, it's a hard business to be in. (I had to say this one, so I would remind myself that I do love it, even when I am a little crabby, like today.)

-I am thankful that my friends gave me a new show to get addicted to. (Deb, I started it tonight, and all I can think about is how quick can I get back to it.)

Wow, in just a few minutes, I already feel less crabby. Maybe I need to have a thankful day everyday.

Monday, March 3, 2008

aloha dreams

This is the state fish of Hawaii. It holds a special place in my heart, because my parents thought it was necessary to learn the Hawaiian name "Humuhumunukunukuapau'a" Anyone my call me to hear the proper pronunciation.

Hanauma Bay

Tidal pools on the Big Island

Last week the hubby and I took a little trip to Hawaii. We had a blast. There is nothing better for a marriage, then a week in paradise without the crazy 3 year old to take care of. Unfortunately, my camera has broken since our return, so I can't access all the photos yet. However, I would like to give you a little taste. So here are some from the underwater camera. We snorkeled in two different places. Hanauma Bay and tide pools on the big island. They both were wonderful. The tide pools were described best by our bed and breakfast host as- "snorkeling in your dentist's office aquarium" This fit it to a tee. It was gorgeous.