Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the crabby one

Olympia refers to her different moods as if they were different people. When she is happy we always comment on how great it is that happy Olympia is here today. Well, one day out of nowhere, after I comment on "Happy Olympia" she says, "Watch out Crabby Olympia is coming." If only we were always warned like that as if the mood changes of the typical three year old come with the same warning system as say tornados.
Severe "Crabby Olympia" watch
Severe "Crabby Olympia" warning
Maybe I should give her a siren to carry around, so we will always have enough time to gather the cat, important belongings and head for the basement, before the "Crabby Olympia" came around.
Just a thought!

Thumbs Up!


Jodee said...

What a cute "Olympia" story -- at least you get a warning at your house because we don't!!!

Anne said...

Love it!! But knowing Olympia, there aren't many Crabby Olympia days. She's too darn cute!!

Skubaliscious said...

I agree - I would definitely like a warning system.