Friday, March 7, 2008

thankful thursday

Some of the other blogs I read have "thankful Thursdays." Where they list all the things they are thankful for. Well, to make my day go better, I am going to try it. Here is my thankful Thursday/Friday:

-I am thankful for the crazy excitement my daughter brings to my life. You really never know what you are going to get with her.

-I am thankful my mom loves to talk to me as much as I love to talk to her. I talk to her almost everyday and I actually miss talking to her when it has been a few days.

-I am thankful that we decided to start going to church when I got pregnant. My wonderful friends I have met there, make living each day so much better.

-I am thankful that I am swamped at work. I really didn't think I would ever really have a successful business. It's tough trying to balance a family and business under the same roof, but what a joy I get each time some one is happy with their pictures. I'm not going to lie about it, it's a hard business to be in. (I had to say this one, so I would remind myself that I do love it, even when I am a little crabby, like today.)

-I am thankful that my friends gave me a new show to get addicted to. (Deb, I started it tonight, and all I can think about is how quick can I get back to it.)

Wow, in just a few minutes, I already feel less crabby. Maybe I need to have a thankful day everyday.

1 comment:

Jodee said...

Love your Thankful Thursday list! I think it is so important to stop and count our blessings.

I hope I am not your customer that made you crabby today! You know we love you to pieces at our house!