Friday, March 28, 2008

ttyl (talk to you later)

Just a quick note, I will be gone for the next week. I am super excited to be going back to Pearlington, Mississippi on a mission trip with the church. I went last June and have been counting down the days to go again. Pearlington has a very special place in my heart. When I was there the last time, it truly was a life changing event. I am so excited for the plastic huts to sleep in, the port-a-potties, the bugs, the warmth, the peaceful mornings, the good southern cooking, the wonderful southern hospitality, sweet tea, and most of all the 38 hours in the van. Please say a little prayer for our group as we embark on the path ahead.

(a pic from the last time)

1 comment:

Jodee said...

You have such a BIG heart and I know how much you enjoyed the last trip! I hope you have a fun and safe trip!

I was invited to Jodie Valish's photo party but I probably won't go since you were just at our house!